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Sweden bans BPA in food packaging intended for kids

Just weeks after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected a petition to ban the much-debated chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from food and beverage packaging, the government of Sweden banned the use of (BPA) in packaging for food intended for children under the age of 3 years.

Government officials made the announcement on April 13, and noted the action will mainly affect the lids of baby food bottles. The mandate also gave the Swedish Chemicals Agency a 3-month deadline to determine whether the chemical should be banned from certain types of thermal paper, including receipts and tickets, and to determine the extent of BPA’s use in drinking-water pipes, toys and children’s goods.

A 2011 report compiled by the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the National Food Agency determined there is greater uncertainty than previously when it comes to determining a safe level for low-dose exposure. The agencies proposed a number of measures aimed at increasing knowledge about the prevalence of and exposure to BPA and at protecting children from exposure from known sources.

According to the report, children’s food marketed in Sweden now comes in BPA-free packaging. The ban will ensure that this voluntary phase-out of BPA becomes permanent.

“Parents must be able to feel confident about the products with which their children come into contact in daily life. As a matter of caution, we are now acting in all areas that the agencies believe play a significant role in the exposure of young children,” said Minister for the Environment Lena Ek. “The EU should take more far-reaching initiatives than today to limit children’s exposure to bisphenol A and other known endocrine disruptors. I intend to raise the issue with the Commission and the Member States this spring when we discuss the contents of the EU’s next environmental action program.”

Fonte – Food Product Design de 25 de abril de 2012

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